The first step toward becoming a professional truck driver is to start your CDL training. Driving a tractor-trailer is no simple task, there is a specific level of training and knowledge required in order to do the job correctly.
There are a couple of different types of commercial drivers license (CDL) out there and each one takes a different amount of time to complete. Explore the training options offered at United Truck Driving School and find out how long it will take to start your new career!
Your CDL Training Options
A CDL will open doors to new job opportunities in the trucking industry. United Truck Driving School offers Class A CDL, Class B CDL, and CDL-A + Passenger training programs. Whichever program you choose should be dependent on the type of trucking job you want.
The Class B CDL course is the shortest program of the three, it only takes 3-weeks to complete. Having a Class B CDL will allow you to operate a tow truck, dump truck, delivery truck and many more! Whereas, the Class A CDL course takes 4-weeks to complete and prepares you to work as a Commerical Truck Driver both over-the-road (OTR) and locally. And if you’re really not sure what type of driving job you want, the CDL-A + Passenger program is what you need. The CDL-A + Passenger course combines truck and bus driver training into one course that can be completed in just 4.5 weeks!
Our CDL training programs include both classroom instruction and on the road training. You’ll learn important topics such as state traffic laws, accident reporting, hours of service, trip planning, vehicle inspection, federal regulations, and E-Logs. Students also get road training with an experienced driving instructor who will help students navigate essential skills such as pre-trip inspection, docking, backup maneuvers, and road safety.
After Your CDL Training
Before taking the three-part skills test, you are tested on inspection and maneuvers addressed in the CDL Manual with a qualified individual. The skills test contains a Vehicle Inspection Test, Basic Controls Test, and Road Test. After completing the skills test, you will provide the documentation to the Department of Motor Vehicles. Each state will either give you the CDL immediately or mail it to you depending on where you live.
While there are plenty of entry-level jobs available, competition is still fierce, and employers are on the hunt for the best-qualified candidates. The United one-on-one, hands-on training approach, and commitment to student success has helped thousands of students in the area become successful, safe truck drivers. But that’s not all, United also offers job placement assistance! We will help you connect with top trucking companies in the nation.
Ready to get started on your CDL training? We’ll walk you through the steps of getting started in the right training program for you, contact us today!