As a truck driver, being away from home doesn’t exactly make it easy to manage your money very well, or at all. Luckily, advances in technology in recent years have made organizing and managing your money fairly easily. Oftentimes, it can even be done right from your phone, provided you have a working smartphone or some sort of mobile device. There are dozens of resources available that can assist you with keeping your money safe and secure. There’s no better time than now to get serious about your personal finances. Here are 5 Apps to help you accomplish your money management.
Mobile Banking
The easiest thing you can do to get started is to find a bank that offers mobile banking, which shouldn’t be complicated. With most banks offering this convenient service, you can pay bills, deposit checks, and more, all from the convenience of your smartphone or mobile device. Simply download the bank’s app from the App Store or Google Play Store, and create a mobile account.
Keeping track of your finances doesn’t have to be a headache. With apps like Mint, you can link several accounts, such as bank accounts and investment accounts. Mint provides financial summaries and updates about your financial snapshot on a regular basis. You can keep track of what bills to pay, how much you’ve saved, how much you’ve spent, and more.
By offering online tools to help you set up a monthly budget, LearnVest helps to keep your spending low when expenses are high. When you’re on the road most days of the week, expenses can add up pretty quickly. Setting up a monthly budget can help you track expenses and see where your money is going.
Saving money just got a whole lot easier. Trying to remember to take out that extra $50 or so from each paycheck to put aside for a rainy day can be quite a hassle. With apps like Acorns, you can set up automatic withdrawals to a linked investment account. Instead of having to remember every paycheck, you can set it up once and forget it. All from the comfort of your truck.
The Penny Hoarder
Setting financial goals is essential to buying that boat you always wanted or fixing the furnace back home. It doesn’t have to be difficult with the help of blogs like The Penny Hoarder. The financial blog recommends setting goals and gives a step-by-step guide on how to do such. This blog also helps with other areas of personal finance, such as building an emergency fund, paying down debt, and planning for retirement.
At United Truck Driving School, we’re more than just a truck driving school. We want to make sure our students go on to have a successful career as a truck driver. If you’re looking to earn your CDL, we would love to talk with you and discuss your options.